EagleView funziona contemporaneamente come sonda ecografica curvilinea e come sonda ecografica phased array. È destinato all'ecografia diagnostica, all'ecoimaging, alla misurazione e all'analisi del corpo umano in un'ampia gamma di applicazioni mediche. Passa da esami superficiali a esami profondi semplicemente capovolgendo la sonda, passando senza soluzione di continuità all'imaging clinico completo.
Thousands of healthcare professionals have utilized EagleView ultrasound machines for sonography in their daily practices. Thousands of lives benefited.
Global clinicians share their EagleView scanning experiences
"Through my personal experience of wireless dual head ultrasound machine that EagleView developed, results were very good and picture quality is good. Cardiac exam for pt with PHTN and hugely dilated right and left atrium with clear and very good image resolution."
Dott. Mustafa Taha Dallo Yemen
"The Eagleview portable ultrasound device is easy to use, versatile, and produces clear, high-resolution images. This is a great device for portable use in any clinical location."
Robert Beatty, MD Facep, fondatore di PPE Medical
" I was able to use the EagleView ultrasound machine for an IJ catheter insertion, the procedure went well with the help of the ultrasound."
Dr. OJ Halum Presso il Dr. Fernando B. Duran Sr. Memorial Hospital
@kanaesth, Phd Candidate in Public Health dal Giappone
"I'm glad I had the opportunity to purchase the EagleView ultrasound machine to aid my endeavor. Although I am still a student, I hope to use this technology to my benefit in future research and continuous learning!"
Sonocratico, Studente DMS
"Eagleview ultrasound machine helps us diagnose and treat our patients in the Voluntary Cave Rescue when we're on a medical mission in east Europe."
@CaveRescueOrg, Organizzazione di soccorso speleologico in Polonia
"Excellent ultrasound machine, Congratulations for the quality of the product. As a Physiotherapist and Osteopath advisor for Switzerland Football Team players (ASF-SFV), I use it often at the World Cup. "
@Alessandro Pernice, Fisioterapista-Osteopata Prima Squadra, FIFA+ Sport&Exercise Science BSc
"In my physical examination, feel the viscera of a patient. The hand is no longer enough... so here comes ultrasound machine. I love ultrasound for the possibility of seeing where the eye doesn't reach, of feeling inside things, right into the viscera."
@ippocrate_md from Italy
"Les recomiendo el @EagleViewUltra
Llevo 2 años con él y ninguna falla.
Bueno, bonito, barato (comparado a otros). "
@Guillermo_henle, Residente de Cardiología
Stiamo facendo la differenza in tutto il mondo.
Migliaia di operatori sanitari hanno utilizzato gli ultrasuoni EagleView per l'ecografia nelle loro pratiche quotidiane. Migliaia di vite vengono salvate.
Il nostro POCUS sta facendo la differenza in tutto il mondo.
Migliaia di operatori sanitari hanno sfruttato l'ecografia con gli ultrasuoni EagleView durante le loro pratiche quotidiane. Migliaia di vite vengono salvate.
Make bedside ultrasound machine available to everyone
We believe that everyone should have access to medical imaging. We are dedicated to providing affordable, high-quality ultrasound machines to clinicians, physicians, students, and healthcare organizations.